khaki_campbell_duckKhaki Campbell Duck

Anas platyrhynchos khaki campbell


Khaki Campbell Ducks are medium-sized domestic ducks that are light brown in color. Males have darker brown heads, necks, backs, and tails. Females are uniformly light brown in color. Both the male and female have brown feet and a greenish-colored bill.


Khaki Campbells weigh between 4 and 4.5 pounds.


  • One reason ducks are able to stay afloat in the water is because of air sacs in their bodies that increase their buoyancy.
  • Ducks’ feathers trap air in between them, which is another adaptation that helps them to float. Their feathers are also covered with a waterproof substance that keeps the ducks warm and dry.
  • Ducks’ webbed feet allow them to maneuver easily in the water.
  • Many ducks are excellent fliers due to their streamlined bodies, powerful wings, and hollow bones that weigh much less than the solid bones of mammals. Although Khaki Campbell Ducks are poor fliers due to their large, heavy bodies, they do have the strong wings and hollow bones that are common to other types of ducks.
  • Ducks do not have teeth, but they do have bumpy edges on their bills that help them to filter food out of the water. Food is then swallowed and ground up in the gizzard, a part of the stomach that contains small rocks for breaking down food.


The ducks at Cosley Zoo are fed commercially prepared duck food pellets.


Khaki Campbells lay white eggs, which weigh about 2.5 ounces each. Duck eggs incubate for 28 days before hatching.

Shelter and Space Needs

Bullfrogs prefer areas with warm, still, shallow water and are found near water sources such as lakes, ponds, or bogs.

Life Expectancy

Domestic ducks kept as pets live an average of 8-12 years.

Importance to Man

Khaki Campbells are prolific egg layers, and can lay up to 300 eggs per year. They are also raised for meat. They are excellent foragers and will consume a variety of invertebrate pests such as slugs and mosquitoes.

Fun Facts

  • Khaki Campbells are thought to lay more eggs per year than any other type of domestic duck. They can even lay more eggs than many chickens!
  • The Khaki Campbell Duck got its name because its color reminded its developer, Mrs. Campbell, of the khaki-colored British military uniforms.
  • The water in the Cosley Zoo duck pond often looks green, but that’s not because it’s dirty! The green dye that we put in there helps to block sunlight, which keeps algae from taking over the pond.
  • A group of ducks is called a brace.